If you fail to post your absence (no-show), you will lose TWO game credits and possibly be suspended IF THIS IS A REPEAT OFFFICE (goalies lose 3 credits for failure to post).
We have now sent several emails with instructions on how and where to post. We also have requested you TEST your login on the bulletin board, you will also be provided with written instructions on the first night.
There is no excuse for not being registered at this point.
We will NOT be able to confirm registrations for several days, once the season has begun.
Each player must post and/or pick up their own games - you may NOT post for another player.
Please understand that our OPEN ENROLMENT players have paid for the right to pick up posted games.
These games are 'selected' from the posted absences of our FT players on the bulletin board.
When a FT player does not post and/or doesn't show up for their game, another player then loses an opportunity to play and a team plays short-handed. This is not fair to anyone.
OE Players:
- Please regularly check the board for game openings. There are often postings a week in advance and sometimes just hours before the game time - CHECK OFTEN.
FT Players:
Please be considerate of the OE players who are waiting for your posts, so they can pick up games. Post as soon as you are aware you cannot attend.
Always post your absence accordingly, (regardless of how late) so everyone will have an opportunity to pick up and play their games.
If you know in advance that you cannot make a game, post it immediately.
If you fail to post, you lose TWO game credits and possibly be suspended. There are no exceptions.
You will lose one game credit if you post with less than 24 hours' notice and the posting is not claimed.
If your posting is claimed, regardless of how late it was posted or picked up, you can carry the game credit forward within the current season.
We thank you all for your consideration.
Chris Dyson