We want to address a few 'housekeeping' issues that come up every season.
*SIGN IN - All players must sign in BEFORE they get dressed.
10 minutes before the game we start to fill openings and if you haven't yet signed in, we assume you are not there and we look to fill the roster slot.
Please be fair to everyone and get signed in early so we know you are there to play.
Sign-in takes place in one of 2 locations, before the EARLY game, one of our people will be in the lobby with a clipboard, for the later games, we will come into the dressing room as soon as the previous game ends.
* PUCKS - We ask that players bring out a few pucks to the games for warm-ups, we don't supply pucks.
* ROOM KEYS - Just so everyone is clear, we don't handle keys. If you want your room locked (and you should), someone will need to go to the front desk at the rink and get the key. We strongly suggest this.
* WARM-UPS - A reminder, you only have a 2-minute warm-up, that's it. So please get on the ice and warm up your goalie right away. As soon as the ref blows his whistle, pick up your pick and get lined up to play.
* BENCH DESIGNATIONS (Home or Away) - The red team is always the 'Visitors' team and should take the appropriate bench - 'blue/Searles' is always the 'Home' team.
*STATS - The stats will start to appear on our website after the 2nd game of the season and usually within 48 to 72 hours of each game for the remainder of the season.
* A REQUEST FROM THE REF'S - when play is called, they really appreciate it if someone can bring the puck to their location for a face-off or penalty shot. Even shooting it to the area is helpful.
-when penalty shots are called, they should always be taken by the player who was fouled, it's up to the players to decide this and do it quickly. When this isn't clear, let the player with the least points on the team have the shot, keep it fun!
-if you think you got an assist, please don't be shy to mention it.
* LINE CHANGES - Keep the shifts short and use the 'one in one' out system. Obviously, some of our younger guys will have more stamina than the older guys, but the shifts should be as equal as possible.
Please don't be afraid to yell at someone to come off if they have been out too long. Most often players simply get caught up in the play and lose track of time - So respectfully remind them! Please don't get frustrated and complain about it the bench, in the room, or to us, if you haven't spoken directly to the player
Players not changing regularly will be warned once, suspended 1 game with a second warning, and suspended for the season if they continue to abuse ice time.
* WATERBOTTLES - We strongly suggest each player have their own waterbottle on the bench for games. Putting the player's name on it for sanitary reasons is a good idea. Goalies are welcome and encouraged to have a bottle on their net.
* TIMEKEEPERS - If you have someone who'd like to volunteer to time keep for a game, please let us know. It's as easy as writing 3 numbers and hitting 2 buttons!
BRINGING A FRIEND TO PLAY - If we have a slot open to play, you can bring along a friend, but we require TRIAL GAME payment and they must complete the online application form. It is unlikely we will have many games where someone could 'walk on', and we will not 'over roster' to make room. So please do not assume this is something that can happen, plan ahead and ask. Please do not expect your friend to play on your team, they will be placed where there is an opening, no trades.
Also, please be aware that this can only happen once if anyone wants to play one game to try out the league, we have this option, but they cannot play more than 1 time unless they sign up as a registered OE or FT player.
* MISSING SCHEDULED GAMES - A reminder, if you miss your scheduled game, without proper notification, look for a separate email informing you of your lost game credits (2) how to avoid missing any further games because of suspension. Missing games without proper notification only hurt the players at the game and the players who were waiting for an opportunity to play - they need to know when there are openings. FAILURE to post more than twice in the season will result in suspension and potentially reassignment of the player's status to OE.
Please use this template when notifying us or posting a missed game. With many players in the system, it can get confusing if complete information isn't listed. if you incorrectly post, it will not be considered as notification of your absence and marked as a 'no-show'.
Postings must only be placed by the player who is going to be absent or picking up a game. We do not allow other players to post or pick up games on other players else's behalf.
* FULL PLAYERS NAME (if this isn't on your posting, it won't be recognized as notification)
Instructions are also on the Bulletin Board for your reference.
Chris Dyson
Hockey for the RIGHT Reasons
3 OF 6 JFFHL Housekeeping
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- Joined: Wed Aug 31, 2005 5:32 pm
- Location: London, Ontario, Canada
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