Late Posting of absences

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GAMES Available
Posts: 32
Joined: Wed Aug 31, 2005 5:32 pm
Location: London, Ontario, Canada

Late Posting of absences

Post by GAMES Available »

We have always encouraged players to post whenever they find they are unable to attend, regardless of the time (this is always the best practice - POST). To avoid losing game credits, you must post 24 hours prior to your game.

Players often post too late for anyone to pick up the game - don't wait. Post EARLY!
This means our OE players are missing opportunities to play and it costs everyone when we cannot properly fill these spots.

The policy is clearly stated in the rules:
Any player posting without the required 24 hours notice WILL LOSE 2 GAME CREDITS - ONLY if the posting is not picked up by another player. (If it is picked up, the posting player will not lose any game credits - assuming there are no other openings in that game.